Naturopathic doctors have used hydrotherapy for over 100 years. There are many testimonials about how the method known as “constitutional hydrotherapy” has given benefits to the whole body. Among some of the effects include increased circulation, detoxification and purification of the blood, enhanced digestion, balancing of the nervous system and stimulation of the immune system.
The healing powers of water have been known and recognized by the Greeks, Romans, ancient Egyptians and Babylonians. Today, we should be revisiting and evaluating the effectiveness of how this therapy can easily help with arthritis, cancer, pneumonia and digestive conditions.
Hydrotherapy is not recommended if you have asthma and should only be done with the guidance of a naturopathic or holistic doctor, especially if you are pregnant or diabetic.
The contrast between hot and cold is the effective part of this therapy. After each treatment, you need to drink at least 8 ounces of water and rest for 15 minutes.
Since headaches seem to be part of a busy stressful life why not try this therapy next time your head is aching. At the onset of your headache, place your feet in a bucket of hot water. Place a cold cloth on your forehead or an ice pack on the back of your neck. This combination will divert blood flow to the feet and away from the head. This treatment has also been effective for sinusitis.
Hydrotherapy is very common in European countries and many health spas advocate various treatments, so why not bring in home. Go with nature, God has given us all we need.